Massages by Angélique Guerbois
This targeted back massage promises to eliminate tension and provide complete muscle relaxation.
This massage is performed on the entire body, including the face and head, using neutral and organic oils.
This massage is intended for pregnant women between the 4th and 8th month of pregnancy. No massage can be performed during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
During this massage, the entire body is massaged, and the positions are adjusted to ensure maximum comfort for the expectant mother. In addition to relieving minor discomforts, prenatal massage offers a special moment of relaxation in connection with your baby.
Enjoy an hour of relaxing massage combined with childcare.
During the session, your baby/child will be taken care of by a certified childcare provider/early childhood therapist in a neighboring room while you enjoy your massage. This service is available for up to 3 children, and activities will be tailored to their ages (childcare, creative and motor activities, sophrology, emotional discovery, etc.).